UN South Africa - InFocus Magazine 2023

2023 was another year of poly-crisis for People and Planet; from climate change and conflict to deepening inequalities and economic insecurities. Only 15% of the Sustainable Development Goals are on track. The 2023 SDG Summit recognized that with a fundamental shift in global behaviour, it is still possible to transition towards a just, inclusive, peaceful and sustainable World.
The UN in South Africa made some notable strides in our contribution towards the sustainable development efforts of the government and people of South Africa. Some strategic endeavors and collaborations included: The Motlanthe Foundation, The Thabo Mbeki Foundation, The Desmond and Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation, the Nelson Mandela Foundation, the Institute of Security Studies, DIRCO, MISTRA, Department of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities, the Presidential Climate Commission, the Department of Home Affairs on the Migration Roundtable, the Department of Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation on SDGs localisation and acceleration, the Department of Social Development on social protection, the Department of Health on public health threats and the National Health Insurance, SANAC on the fight against HIV, and several stakeholders consultations on just energy transition, food systems, transforming education, decent work, gender equality, youth empowerment and gender-based violence, early warning systems as well as a strengthened relationship with the Global Compact Network in South Africa.
The UN family together with the government and an array of multi-stakeholder partners in an all-of-society approach, united behind the principle of leaving no one behind. I want to place on record my gratitude and appreciation to the UN Country Team, Regional Directors, all UN staff and partners for the collaborative efforts this year.