The UN Summit of the Future: What’s in it for Africa?
Summit of the Future presents a unique platform to reaffirm our commitment to the principles of the UN and to transform our shared aspirations into actions
- Thank you Programme Director, Ambassador Xolisa Mabhongo
- Deputy-Minister of International Relations and Cooperation of South Africa, His Excellency Alvin Botes
- Your Excellencies, Dean of the Diplomatic Corps and Dean of the African Diplomatic Corps as well as members of the African Diplomatic Corps present here today,
- Our esteemed panellist, here with us today in person and online,
- Representatives from the African Union and United Nations Agencies based in South Africa,
- Members of Civil society, academia, and youth representatives participating,
- Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen (including those online) – Good morning and Happy Women’s Month.
As we gather here today, we do so on borrowed time.
We are at a point in history where the decisions and actions leaders, governments, private sector and civil society actors as well as individuals take now is shaping our world of today and the world of tomorrow and for generations to come.
The United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres proposed the Summit of the Future to push for a more just and equitable international system, ensuring that developing countries have an equal voice in global decision-making as persistent, emerging, and anticipated global challenges are addressed head on.
79 years following the consensus arrived at, to establish a post-war multilateral approach including the United Nations system, and the Breton Woods entities, the Summit of the Future presents a unique platform to reaffirm our commitment to the principles of the United Nations and to transform our shared aspirations into concrete actions for people and planet.
The Summit recognises that power relations need to change to reflect and adapt to the realities of today and to deliberately shape our collective response to global challenges in the years ahead.
Therefore, we cannot waste this opportunity to address long-standing concerns of African and other developing countries and achieve actionable agreements.
South Africa’s unwavering leadership in this regard is not only noted but appreciated.
All Member States stand to benefit from this more equitable and inclusive yet reinvigorated course correction around how global institutions work, and countries collaborate.
Honorable Deputy Minister, Excellencies, Distinguished participants….
Regrettably, the progress toward attaining the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has been marked by disappointment and setbacks.
Inequality has widened. Poverty has increased despite concerted efforts to fight it, and as such the aspired prosperity for all, remains at risk.
We face a future with complex global challenges which are both multifaceted and interconnected.
At the heart of the Summit of the Future is the need to immediately advance an appropriately financed rescue plan for people and planet as well as proposals for a Declaration on Future Generations and also a Global Digital Compact.
This package will become a testament to our collective resolve to ensure a sustainable, equitable and just world for all.
Once adopted, the package will be annexed to the Pact for the Future – which is effectively our commitment to future generations.
The Pact for the Future will bestructured around sustainable development and financing for development, international peace and security, science, technology, innovation and digital cooperation, youth and future generations, and transforming global governance.
The Pact for the Future delivers a high-level political direction for transformation and goes beyond any other multilateral agreement including the reform of the international financial architecture.
Honorable Deputy Minister, Excellencies,
With South Africa’s support as well as active engagement by the African Group, it will be a precedent-setting Pact which MUST be met with precedent-setting action and financing.
This means we need a multilateral system that is:
- Responsive to and commensurate with the challenges the world, particularly the challenges facing the African continent,
- A system that can help us deliver for people and planet; and
- A system that can mitigate uncertainty and instability and contribute with effectiveness to a more prosperous, peaceful and sustainable world.
- A networked and inclusive system that is youth and gender friendly as it fosters collaboration across sectors and between governments and the private sector as well as civil society
Your excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, The Pact for the Future must lead to a more transparent, adaptable, and inclusive multilateral governance arrangement for a more sustainable, equitable and resilient world.
It is time to reinvigorate and recalibrate the multilateral system. We owe that to current and future generations.
This seminar, co-organised by DIRCO, the United Nations in South Africa, and the University of Pretoria, comes at the right time.
Its focus, on Africa – and the question “What’s in it for Africa” could not be more opportune.
The renewed scramble for Africa points to the fact that our beloved continent is a powerhouse and economic hub. With its youthful population and dynamic societies, it stands at the forefront of this transformative agenda.
Our continent is home to some of the world's fastest-growing economies, innovative solutions, and resilient communities.
We have an opportunity to lead by example, integrating the principles of the Declaration into policies and governance frameworks.
By doing so, we can demonstrate that sustainable development is not just a goal but a reality that can be achieved through concerted effort and unwavering commitment.
That said, Africa faces extraordinary challenges.
Your excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, we need to urgently accelerate progress towards the SDGs, against a backdrop of ever more frequent and intense climate shocks, unsustainable debt, conflicts, food security challenges, human displacements, technological risks and digital gaps, extreme poverty and youth unemployment.
In this context, what should be Africa’s priorities for the Summit of the Future?
Africa's role in the UN System has evolved over the years.
From being a continent often perceived through the lens of aid and assistance, Africa has emerged as a dynamic force contributing to global peace, security and development.
African nations have been at the forefront of peacekeeping missions, conflict resolution and efforts to promote human rights and democracy.
Africa is particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change with millions of people facing the consequences of extreme weather events, food insecurity and water scarcity.
However, the continent has immense potential with critical minerals, preserved forests, and thermal/wind/solar resources for renewable energy; from solar power in the Sahara to geothermal energy in the Rift Valley.
Therefore, investments in renewable energy and sustainable practices not only mitigate the effects of climate change but also create jobs, increase economic growth and improve the quality of life for our people.
Africa has much youth potential and the demographic dividend presented by the young people across the continent must be harnessed, urgently realized and actioned.
For Africa, social well-being is another key priority, ensuring access to quality healthcare, quality education, quality social services for all, reduced inequalities, and resilient communities.
Education is a critical area where Africa can lead the way, to fight poverty, inequality as well as unemployment. Investing in the education of young people is investing in our future.
We must ensure that every child in Africa has access to quality education, regardless of their background or circumstances.
Healthcare is equally vital. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of robust healthcare systems and the need for universal health coverage.
Africa has made significant strides in improving healthcare but there is still much work to be done to ensure that everyone has access to affordable and quality healthcare services.
Again, to the question, what should be Africa’s priorities for the Summit of the Future?
It should include:
- The promotion of peace and security;
- Permanent African representation with veto power on the UN Security Council;
- Delivery on the financing commitments for sustainable development and climate mitigation as well as adaptation; and
- Unlocking of the potential of youth.
How do we achieve this?
Through global solidarity, shared resources, transparent institutions, accountable practices.
By being more flexible and adaptable to a rapidly changing world.
And, most importantly, through multistakeholder partnerships and leveraged expertise.
The UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has constantly and consistently called to “reform and revitalise multilateralism so that it reflects the realities of today and is fit to face the challenges ahead.” He outlines this out in his “Our Common Agenda” blueprint which sets the vision for a more inclusive, networked and effective multilateralism.
The Summit of the Future will not be the endpoint, but a catalyst of many initiatives.
We must continue to coordinate our efforts for our common goals, including in the framework of Africa 2063, through improved implementation in the second decade of Agenda 2063.
Honorable Deputy Minister, Excellencies, Participants…
The consecutive Global South presidencies of the G20, which South Africa will have in 2025, represents a unique opportunity for synergies and complementarity.
South Africa must leverage its global and regional leadership to act as a bridgebuilder and mobilize Africa’s support for a successful Summit.
As the process of the Pact for the Future enters its final stage, it is important to build consensus that brings everyone on board to agree the Pact on time.
All Member States will need to find ways to compromise.
Allow me to close with the words of the United Nations Secretary-General when he recently addressed the UN Civil Society Conference in support of the Summit of the Future:
The Summit of the Future is a chance to push progress on the issues that matter to you – and to us. A chance that cannot be missed. Our fight is one fight: Creating a better world and a brighter future for all.
Together let’s seize this chance and make the Summit of the Future really count.
I thank you.
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