#Run4HumanRights: A call to celebrate and reflect on 75 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
26 October 2023

In 2023, the world commemorates 75 years since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was signed. This anniversary (Human Rights 75) is an opportunity to reflect on the achievements made in advancing human rights worldwide. It is also a moment to consider the work that still needs to be done to ensure that all people, everywhere, realise their human rights.
As part of these commemorations, in South Africa, the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Regional Office for Southern Africa (OHCHR ROSA), in partnership with the Irene Athletics Club, will hold the Irene Farm Race #Run4Human Rights with Discovery Vitality on 28 October 2023.
With the adoption of the UDHR in 1948, countries agreed to secure and protect the human rights of people regardless of gender, race, religion or socioeconomic status. Since the landmark Declaration, globally and in South Africa, there has been considerable progress towards freedom, equality and justice – the values that underpin the Declaration. Yet, there is still a long way to go for everyone to realise their human rights.
"Running is often a reflective and energising experience, but also one of solidarity as runners encourage each other towards the finish line. #Run4HumanRights is a timely occasion to think about and reengage with the human rights that are important to us and our communities. We can also commit to doing our part so that together, we reach the ultimate prize – a world where everyone, everywhere, enjoys their human rights," said Abigail Noko, OHCHR ROSA Regional Representative.
The race takes place at the Agricultural Research Council Campus in Irene and includes 5km, 10km and 21km routes and a 1km “kiddie’s fun race”. The 5km and 10km routes are suitable for wheelchair users.
The 10km and 21km races will begin at 06:00 am, the 5km fun run at 06:15 am, and the 1km kiddies run at 07:45 am. Finish Time will time the race and Discovery Vitality will offer points for participating Vitality members.
To enter online and for more information, please visit https://www.entryninja.com/events/79442-irene-farm-race#general.
Media contact: Mariana Alice Gomes Neto, Human Rights Officer, OHCHR
Email: mariana.gomesneto@un.org, Telephone: +27 79 243 0250
About Human Rights 75
In 2023, we commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a milestone celebration called Human Rights 75. Throughout 2023, the initiative seeks to increase knowledge on the universality and indivisibility of human rights, especially among young people, and inspire people to create a movement of shared humanity while empowering them to fight for their rights. For more information, visit: ohchr.org/en/human-rights-75
About the United Nations Human Rights Office
The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UN Human Rights) is the leading United Nations entity on human rights. OHCHR represents the world's commitment to promote and protect the full range of human rights and freedoms set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. OHCHR’s activities include:
- Working with and assisting Governments in fulfilling their human rights obligations
- Speaking out objectively in the face of human rights violations worldwide
- Providing a forum for identifying, highlighting and developing responses to today's human rights challenges
- Acting as the principal focal point of human rights research, education, public information, and advocacy activities
- Working with partners to widen the constituency for human rights worldwide.
For more information, go to: www.ohchr.org