JOIN the LAUNCH: "Mandela SDGs Quote Book" on Nelson Mandela International Day 2023
18 July 2023
The UN in South Africa together with the Nelson Mandela Foundation will launch a "Mandela SDGs Quotes Book", which matches Mandela’s famous sayings aligned to each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Book emphasizes the importance of sustainable development in our country and further highlighting that #ItIsInYourHands tow work towards attaining the SDGs. It is essentially 'Call to Action". Join us We want on 18 July 2023, amplify the messages on your respected platform to raise the awareness and to play your part for a sustainable future and no better a day that the UN commemorative Nelson Mandela International Day.
Let us draw inspiration from Nelson Mandela's legacy and translate his words into meaningful action.
Together, let us take action to inspire change – For People, For Planet.